Department of Maryland, Inc.
The War Memorial, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 (410) 752-3104
June l, 2016
Warffemius-Seidler Post 381
PO Box 778
Brandywine, MD 20613
Dear Mr. Adjutant:
The Department Executive Committee in regular meeting on May 15, 2016 at Victory Post 155, Western port, MD, consider the request from Post 381 to enter into a long-term lease for a parcel of ground considered the request from Post 381 to enter into a long-term lease of property in Prince George's County, referred to as Wilmer Park.
The Department Executive Committee voted in favor of granting permission to Post 381 to enter into the long-term lease of the property. This approval should not be construed as The American Legion, Department of Maryland, Inc. assuming any liability or responsibility for the finances, operations, or any other facet of the Post's lease. The Department's role in the approval was to review the viability of the business plan, and the insurance that the Post was entering into the lease which does not contain any undue risk to the Post or members.
Very truly yours,
cc: Department Commander Trott
Department Judge Advocate Davis