The Department of Maryland, in conjunction with the Motor Vehicle Administration, offers all paid up members in good standing the opportunity to obtain The American Legion organizational license tag for their vehicle. Any Department of Maryland American Legion member, who has a vehicle (cars, trucks or SUV's, not including trailers) registered in their name may qualify for the tag, (subject to MVA regulations). The procedure for obtaining a license tag is:
1. Send Department Headquarters a letter along with a copy of the registration of the
vehicle to be tagged, a copy of your membership card and $2.00 for processing.
Either the owner or co/owner must be a member in good standing (current dues
paid) with their post. If in doubt, contact your Post Adjutant for specific
information and instructions.
2. Upon receipt of the letter with a copy of the registration and membership card,
plus $2.00 Department Headquarters will complete the application, assign a tag
number, and return the application to the member.
3. Once the member receives the application paperwork back from Department, fill
it out and they can get their tags in one of three ways:
The Motor Vehicle Administration one time fee charge of $25.00 must be accompanied with the application when taken or mailed to The Department of Motor Vehicles.
METHOD 1 - Completed applications taken directly to the DMV in Glen Burnie (2nd Floor, Window 104, Organizational Tags) will receive their tags at that time. This is the quickest way. Once at the MVA it takes only a few minutes for the tags to be issued.
METHOD 2 - Completed applications taken to a MVA satellite office will have the tags mailed to them by the MVA.
METHOD 3 - Completed applications mailed to the MVA will also have their tags mailed to them by the MVA