Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Members of the Prince George’s County Commission on Veterans

Members of the Prince George’s County Commission on Veterans,

The Department Executive Committee of the American Legion, Department of Maryland approved an emergency resolution authorizing the Department of Maryland to enter into a contract with Liberty Institute to challenge the lawsuit filed by the American Humanist Association and others in American Humanist Association et al. v. Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, case no. 8:14-cv-00550, United States District Court for the District of Maryland, that the Bladensburg Peace Cross is unconstitutional and must be taken down.  The American Legion National Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Colmar Manor Post 131 have also signed on with the Liberty institute.

At Monday night’s American Legion Prince George’s County Council meeting held at Greenbelt Post 136, Attorney Roger Byron, (a US Naval Academy graduate) from Liberty Institute, briefed Council members on the status of the lawsuit.  Mr. Byron stated that Liberty Institute had retained the Jones Day Law Firm of Washington, DC as their local representative to act on behalf of the American Legion Headquarters, The American Legion Department of Maryland and Colmar Manor Post 131 in US District Court.  Jones Day Law Firm and Liberty Institute are taking on this case Pro Bono.  When asked by members of the Council on how to respond to news reporters inquires, he requested that all queries be forwarded to the Commander of Colmar Manor Post 131.

Bill Milligan
American Legion Representative
Prince George’s County Commission on Veterans